Why invest in professional photos instead of using your cell phone?
The answer is simple, a picture is worth a thousand words. When listing a home it is so important to present it in its best light while accurately representing the space. Great MLS photos bring in more leads. It’s all in the details, proper equipment, technique, lighting, angles, etc. can showcase a property in a way that your cell phone just isn’t capable of. Don’t let cell phone photos cost you sales, invest in a pro to get the details right.
What's included?
5-25+ High Definition MLS ready images 24-48 hour turnaround time Includes travel within 30 miles of 16859 *$2/mile for each additional mile of travel
$150 – Listings up to $200k $250 – Listings $200k-400k $350 – Listings over $400k
HD Video – $75 Floor Plan – $50 Virtual Staging – $20/Image